Sunday 20 July 2014

Gym training and Protein shakes

So I recently started weight training with a bodybuilder in hopes of becoming stronger and more confident in myself. Over all, I’m really enjoying it. I’ve fallen in love with working hard, feeling strong and being supported by somebody that knows what they are doing. They gym has actually become my second home, now, I never thought I’d hear myself saying THAT!

What I’m not enjoying so much are protein shakes… man are they gross. I’ve never tasted anything so sickly in all my life. When you’re supposed to have 3 a day, but are actually having a big fat ZERO, you feel it the next day, and your muscles tire quicker making everything feel heavier and harder.

Personally I’ve learnt a lot from regularly exercising for the first time in my life, for example, did you know that salt prevents muscle growth? All you hear in the news about salt is its effects on the heart and blood, I’ve never heard of its effects on muscles. Fairly soon I’m going to be issued an all-protein and carb diet by my Personal Trainer, which is going to be hell for me, because although I love meat and pasta; I like deep fried meat and white pasta, not grilled meat with whole wheat pasta with no sauce etc. 

But I’m going to take it all in my stride, and I’m more determined than ever to get fit.

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